
最近比较火的正规赌博软件通过专注于解决关键任务问题以支持国家优先计划所面临的挑战,赢得了客户的信任. 我们以提供一套经过验证的 战略解决方案 这有助于保护我们的国家和公民的安全. 经过了45年的考验和真实的经验, 我们支持以下战略业务领域:




推荐最近最火的赌博软件 delivers end-to-end transformative healthcare solutions to support our active duty military, 退伍军人及其家属, 以及联邦平民医疗保健计划. 我们的支持提高了客户的计划能力, implement and manage health IT capabilities that improve health outcomes and respond to emergent requirements, 不断演变的立法授权和技术进步. 

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      We leverage our strategic solutions and expert knowledge in the areas of enterprise IT, 测试与评估, 应用程序开发, cloud computing and 培训 to help our customers protect the health and welfare of our armed forces and civilians. 我们在以下领域帮助我们的联邦医疗客户: 应用程序开发和现代化, 保健IM/IT业务, 测试, 培训, 以及大数据和分析.

      Our innovative solutions support health organizations on their journey to becoming more customer-centered, 数据驱动的, 高效安全. 不管挑战和解决方案, 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 stands side by side with our federal customers to deliver enhanced quality of care to the warfighters, 退伍军人, 还有公民和他们的家人.


    • PEO DHMS

      企业软件服务——最近比较火的正规赌博软件支持PEO DHMS建立企业级平台,专注于持续集成和持续交付(CI/CD),可以提供软件集成工具, 服务, 以及使合作伙伴和项目得以发展的标准, 部署, 并在安全的环境下操作应用程序, 灵活和可互操作的时尚. This capability will enable rapid prototyping, real-time delivery, and scalability


      支持国防卫生机构(DHA), 美国设计的系统, 建, 并维护基于云的开发和测试基础设施,以支持向国防部(DoD)新电子健康记录(EHR)的过渡。, 军事卫生系统(MHS) GENESIS, and provide 海mless interoperability testing between DoD and Veterans Affairs. 自2015年以来, the 测试 Infrastructure Managed Services (蒂姆斯) team has been a successful, 不断发展的, and essential partner in the DoD Health Care Modernization value stream. 我们以itil为基础的基础设施即服务(IaaS)服务交付模式,辅以先进和安全的技术解决方案. 这种组合有助于DHA在符合国防部网络安全要求的虚拟化和可扩展环境中满足其卫生系统开发和测试需求. 我们的蒂姆斯团队提供基础设施即服务(IaaS), 网络管理, service desk management and cybersecurity 服务 in hosting DoD legacy healthcare systems, technical solutions for the 国防 Medical Information Exchange (DMIX), and integrated Joint Operational Medicine Information (JOMIS) systems. 我们还成功地执行了监控, 操作与维护, 以及PEO DHMS TI的支持服务. The TI is configured with ten Production-like legacy environments to support Development, 测试, 执行产品集成和测试活动. These environments are setup to mimic existing legacy Clinical Systems and interface with other healthcare systems. 蒂姆斯流程和技术解决方案提供量身定制的虚拟环境,以满足整个军事卫生用户社区不断增长和动态的需求.


      Building on the success of the 测试 Infrastructure Managed Service (蒂姆斯) project, 推荐最近最火的赌博软件目前正在测试基础设施(TI)内实例化一个完全自动化的DevSecOps平台即服务(PaaS)。. 基于红帽OpenShift, 该平台将为客户提供多个持续集成/持续部署(CI/CD)管道,开发人员可以通过这些管道快速构建和部署基于kubernetes的容器化应用程序, 以及, 遗留应用程序采用敏捷开发框架,内置安全功能,满足国防部网络安全要求,并为操作环境提供持续审批. The PaaS is a key effort in the customer’s goals of: 1) implementing agile software development across the enterprise; 2) allowing contractors to develop rather than manage infrastructure and software tool platforms; 3) moving to an agile contracting model; and 4) leading 国防 Health in the adoption of the DoD DevSecOps initiative to accelerate capability delivery to the warfighters.


      On behalf of PEO DHMS 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 is developing a shared Government Approved Laboratory (GAL), 通常被称为PEO GAL. 这个PEO GAL将是一个共享资源, provided by the PEO DHMS Chief Engineer to the DHMS PMOs and the Medical Health community at large. The PEO GAL will complement the TI and the DevSecOps PaaS by providing a modern, 在国家首都地区建立灵活且与用户无关的测试设施,能够支持涉及在医院等固定设施部署的医疗设备的测试事件, 以及 operational medicine software meant in support of theater operations. The PEO GAL will be accessible to the Military Health community as a fully managed facility. The test facility will boast a large and reconfigurable test area to meet specific test events, 还有会议室和协作区. 该测试设施将利用TI提供网络连接,并访问国防部托管的众多外部数据源, VA和商业实体. 除了, 商务级网络服务, 比如印刷, voice connectivity and wireless will be available for testers and visitors. 作为托管服务的一部分, the PEO GAL will also provide Configuration and Change Management (CCM), 访问管理, 网络安全, 资产管理, 和服务台支持.


      推荐最近最火的赌博软件 provides Tier 2 Help Desk support to the US Air Force medical treatment facilities in Europe. 工作人员长期分散到四个国家的七个设施,并远程支持另外两个国家的其他设施. 我们提供现场技术专业知识来解决许多医疗项目管理办公室(PMO)系统和空军基地基础设施之间的问题. 我们的技术人员已经掌握了地理位置分散的团队在一起工作以实现患者医疗保健统一目标时的沟通困难. 为了使众多不同的系统更易于管理, we virtualized as many servers as possible to minimize physical 空间, 所使用的功率, 提高管理的便利性,确保系统正常运行.

    • JOMIS

      联合作战医学信息系统(JOMIS)项目管理办公室(PMO)和国防健康管理系统(DHMS)项目执行办公室(PEO)要求快速执行合同,以确保其关键战区医疗系统战区医疗信息计划-联合(TMIP-J)及其投资组合中的相关应用程序的连续性。. These applications are critical to ensure and enable sustainability, flexibility and interoperability to maintain the continuity of care to our Warfighters. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, in accordance with the Statement of Objectives for TMIP-J Continuity of Support Services, 提供运行中的转换活动是为了将体系结构统一为完整的tip - j产品. Our goal is to provide the suite as a fully centrally managed solution driven by outcomes rather than Government specification. 重点是将所有tip - j产品整合到一个集中管理团队下,该团队将利用所有受影响产品的资源,从而实现更精简的连续性和成果.



推荐最近最火的赌博软件 provides a diverse portfolio of solutions and 服务 to support our Department of 国防 customers across air, 土地, 海, 空间, 以及全球范围内的网络空间. Our solutions include enterprise IT, mission system engineering, test & 评价, 培训, 项目支持, cybersecurity and data analytics – all focused on ensuring that our armed forces are informed and ready.


推荐最近最火的赌博软件 supports our 情报 Community customers by ensuring that they have the right tools, 技术, and tactics to succeed in their mission to protect our nation and counter global threats. 我们正在应用前沿技术,结合任务专业知识,提供工具和流程,帮助我们的客户跟上并应对不断变化的威胁形势.




推荐最近最火的赌博软件 delivers end-to-end transformative healthcare solutions to support our active duty military, 退伍军人及其家属, 以及联邦平民医疗保健计划. 我们的支持提高了客户的计划能力, implement and manage health IT capabilities that improve health outcomes and respond to emergent requirements, 不断演变的立法授权和技术进步. 

  • 了解更多

      We leverage our strategic solutions and expert knowledge in the areas of enterprise IT, 测试与评估, 应用程序开发, cloud computing and 培训 to help our customers protect the health and welfare of our armed forces and civilians. 我们在以下领域帮助我们的联邦医疗客户: 应用程序开发和现代化, 保健IM/IT业务, 测试, 培训, 以及大数据和分析.

      Our innovative solutions support health organizations on their journey to becoming more customer-centered, 数据驱动的, 高效安全. 不管挑战和解决方案, 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 stands side by side with our federal customers to deliver enhanced quality of care to the warfighters, 退伍军人, 还有公民和他们的家人.


    • 蒂姆斯

      支持国防卫生机构(DHA), 美国设计的系统, 建, 并维护基于云的开发和测试基础设施,以支持向国防部(DoD)新电子健康记录(EHR)的过渡。, 军事卫生系统(MHS) GENESIS, and provide 海mless interoperability testing between DoD and Veteran’s Affairs. The 测试 Infrastructure Managed Services (蒂姆斯) project kicked off in 2015 and remains a successful, 不断发展的, and essential partner in the DoD Health Care Modernization value stream. Our ITIL-based Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) service delivery model is complemented by advanced technology solutions. 这种组合有助于DHA在符合国防部网络安全要求的虚拟化和可扩展环境中满足其卫生系统开发和测试需求. Our 蒂姆斯 team provides subject matter expertise in IaaS sustainment and operations that spans hardware, 网络, 软件和监控服务及解决方案, 服务台, 以及一个专门的用户倡导者团队. 蒂姆斯流程和技术解决方案提供量身定制的虚拟环境,以满足TI用户群体不断增长的动态需求.


      推荐最近最火的赌博软件 provides Tier 2 Help Desk support to the US Air Force medical treatment facilities in Europe. 工作人员长期分散到四个国家的七个设施,并远程支持另外两个国家的其他设施. 我们提供现场技术专业知识来解决许多医疗项目管理办公室(PMO)系统和空军基地基础设施之间的问题. 我们的技术人员已经掌握了地理位置分散的团队在一起工作以实现患者医疗保健统一目标时的沟通困难. 为了使众多不同的系统更易于管理, we virtualized as many servers as possible to minimize physical 空间, 所使用的功率, 提高管理的便利性,确保系统正常运行.

    • JOMIS

      联合作战医学信息系统(JOMIS)项目管理办公室(PMO)和国防健康管理系统(DHMS)项目执行办公室(PEO)要求快速执行合同,以确保其关键战区医疗系统战区医疗信息计划-联合(TMIP-J)及其投资组合中的相关应用程序的连续性。. These applications are critical to ensure and enable sustainability, flexibility and interoperability to maintain the continuity of care to our Warfighters. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, in accordance with the Statement of Objectives for TMIP-J Continuity of Support Services, 提供运行中的转换活动是为了将体系结构统一为完整的tip - j产品. Our goal is to provide the suite as a fully centrally managed solution driven by outcomes rather than Government specification. 重点是将所有tip - j产品整合到一个集中管理团队下,该团队将利用所有受影响产品的资源,从而实现更精简的连续性和成果.

    • DevSecOps

      Building on the success of the 测试 Infrastructure Managed Service (蒂姆斯) project, 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 is currently instantiating a DevSecOps Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) within the 测试 Infrastructure (TI). 基于红帽OpenShift, 该平台将为客户提供多个持续集成/持续部署(CI/CD)管道,通过这些管道,开发人员可以在一个完全与国防部STIG需求集成的敏捷开发框架中快速构建和部署基于kubernetes的容器化应用程序.

      The PaaS is a key effort in the customer’s goals of: 1) implementing agile software development across the enterprise; 2) allowing development contractors to develop rather than manage infrastructure and software tool platforms; 3) moving to an agile contracting model; and 4) leading 国防 Health in the adoption of the DoD DevSecOps initiative.



推荐最近最火的赌博软件 harnesses the power of technology to empower our customers at the Departments of Justice, 财政部, and Home土地 Security to anticipate and respond to threats to our national security and protect our citizens.  Our engineers have developed innovative solutions that leverage technology to help protect the home土地, 应对威胁和灾难, 执行和管理我们的法律, 以及 secure our borders and cyber空间 to keep our fellow citizens safe.

U.S. 外展

最近比较火的正规赌博软件支持各种美国.S. 在美国境外执行任务的客户, 包括国务院和NASA.  从进行飞行员培训, to building tools that enable pilots and astronauts to fly more safely, 保卫我们的国家.S. 国外的外交官, we help support America’s exploratory  and foreign policies by advancing the interests of the American people, 他们的安全和经济繁荣. 

最近比较火的正规赌博软件, 我们运用我们的专业知识, 证明的方法, and the latest 技术 to deliver innovative solutions that meet our customers’ strategic objectives.  Everything we do is committed to enabling our customers to accomplish their missions successfully. 我们知道什么是危险的.®